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Pattern Xpert

Pattern Xpert is a high-performance pattern
design software and grading application
that uses state-of-the-art technoogy to cut
down costs. StyleCAD's PDS provides all
the flexibility and features to make tedious
tasks much easier so that the patternmaker
can have more time for their real business-
design, pre-productions, and fitting.

Powerful Drafting Tools
Best Curve Quality
Quick Step

Pattern Xpert employs:
- guide lines
- parallel line tool
- rotate & flip
- trim & extend

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StyleCAD boasts the fastest
grading and marking speed in the
industry, a 40% increase in
productivity during digitizing,
pattern grading, design, and
modification, and marker creation.

Feature Specs >>

Open architecture. Designed for
320but architecture. StyleCAD
runs on Windows and uses
industry standard ODBC. There
is also instant switching between
different modules.

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