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Marker Making

StyleCAD has introduced a system for creating markers that is unmatched in its cost saving benefits. With ease of use and efficiency in the creation of fabric-saving markers, StyleCAD's marker making system has no competition.

Simple Drag and Slide Marking Tool.
Fabric Pattern Matching Control
Powerful Automatic Size Ratio Adjustment

StyleCAD allows the user to use a wide array of automatic cutting machines for use with the system. In addition, the user may quickly and easily set the cut direction and sequence control for pieces before cutting. The user may also set the lay direction by bundle, size, or one way.

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StyleCAD's marker making system allows the user to quickly and easily make a marker by creating a marking order using existing patterns, and then create the marker itself by clicking and dragging the patterns onto the marking area.

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StyleCAD's marker making system allows for incredible flexibility in the project workflow. For example, the user may create up to 100 marker groups with various fabric types, and list up to 40 sizes per marker.

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